How to read variable set as File type in gitlab-ci.yml ?

If you have created variables in gitlab CI/CD setting, here is how you can access it in your gitlab-ci pipeline. In the above example, the variable has following settings Type: File Key: DB_ACCESS_URL Value: jdbc:oracle:thin:@myoracle.db.server:1521:my_sid To access this in your pipeline , gitlab provides 2 ways echo $Key will give the file path cat $Key … Continue reading How to read variable set as File type in gitlab-ci.yml ?

What is .gitignore and how do i generate or write one?

gitignore file is used to specify files which should be untracked by Git. Each line of the file represents a filename, directory, or pattern. When git looks for changes in your working directory, it will automatically ignore any file that matches an entry in your .gitignore file. For example, when working for a java spring … Continue reading What is .gitignore and how do i generate or write one?

Pijul, the Git Alternative ???

Pijul is a distributed version control system written in Rust and is now available as a beta release .Similar to other version control systems, it is a tool that tracks changes in your files, can revert them, and can merge them with your coauthors’ changes.The architecture and design methodology of Pijul is influenced by the … Continue reading Pijul, the Git Alternative ???

Useful git commands

List all branches: git branchList all remote branches: git branch -aaCreate the branch on your local machine and switch to this branch: git checkout -b <branch name>Create a new branch: git branch <branch name>Rename current branch: git branch -m <new branch name>Rename other branch: git branch -m <old branch name> <new branch name>Delete a branch: … Continue reading Useful git commands